Your body knows how to love. She knows the sensations and freedom of wholeness. There is a divine intelligence embedded in every cell. Your body also holds all of the fragments of unmetabolized experiences from repressed suffering piled on through a life where we are taught to deny the impact that life has on us. Forced positivity violates her truth. Our bodies wait for us to turn towards her. She longs to offer up her dreams, visions, fears, longings and emotions as guides back home. When we live inside our mental body, our thoughts are always responding to these fragments that live just outside of our consciousness awareness. Just because we are conscious in mind does not mean we are aware of everything. We get stuck in struggle, scarcity and suffering because we think that it is the mind that can solve the riddle. Mind as king cannot ever replace the role of the body as our queen. We cannot figure our way out of what needs to be felt.
We cannot think our way to a relaxed nervous system. We cannot heal when we cannot acknowledge the truth living and breathing inside the cells that make up the very fabric of our being; golden threads woven into the earth and stardust of our bones. The body knows the way of our liberation, our freedom within this form that we deeply crave. Divine reunion happens within form. Freedom is right there, in this world, where this body lives. Our deepest fear and longing a unity of mystical truth sparkling inside the heart of our hearts. This is where we inhabit this heaven on earth. This is where we get to embody the sweetness of our multidimensional awareness. This is where we get to heal the heart of this earth; feeling, healing and opening ourselves back up to our own hearts and releasing the trauma of being human the earth keeps reflecting back to us. The body knows how to do this. She knows a freedom that exists outside of mind, beyond the illusion that we can manage her through exerting violence over our thinking. We are only powerless as long as we fear to live inside this form, denying her space to fully allow her story to be discovered, letting grief wash over the the soul. Resentments melt away, replaced by compassion and forgiveness forged from the fires of transformation. This liberates the inner mother and father into kindness, restoring a more benevolent rulership over our inner life. The body knows how to wield her power with fierce tenderness and strength. She knows that there is no difference. This body is our living library of all we have experienced, all we need to feel in order to heal and all that is possible in expansive sweetness of feeling the divine pulse within. Our body is the inner child. Our body carries the wounded ones. Our body is who we parent. When we deny the body her equal place in the wisdom of our experience, we no longer worship at the altar of the mind. We are able to free ourselves from the position of living life unconsciously as a child separate from our internalized parents Our deepest parental wound is the one within ourselves. It is within our own hearts we restore faith in our inner mother and father to guide us, nourish us, protect us and love us. Then, our wounds stop leading the way and we enter a new ground; a sturdy, more trustable ground right here, within this body, this form. This is our reunion. This is home
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October 2019